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LIV Jewelers


Phone (631) 361-7000
Address 338 New York Ave,
Huntington, NY 11743 United States


Welcome to Liv Jewelers, a family-owned gem in Huntington, NY, with over 30 years of excellence in the jewelry industry. Specializing in stunning diamond engagement rings, wedding rings and luxury watches, we also offer a diverse array of fine jewelry including necklaces, earrings, bracelets, rare gemstones and more. Our expert services extend to jewelry design, meticulous repairs, accurate appraisals, and both retail and wholesale options. As seasoned jewelers, we pride ourselves on our commitment to quality, craftsmanship, and personalized customer service. Whether you're seeking the perfect piece for a special occasion or need professional care for your cherished heirlooms, Liv Jewelers is your trusted destination for timeless elegance.

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