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I Buy Luxury

1 5 1 1 Review(s)


Phone (713) 861-5780
Address The Houston Heights,
Houston, TX 77007 United States


We specialize in diamond wholesale, custom design jewelry, precious stones, engagement rings, watches, appraisals, and much more

Reviews for I Buy Luxury

1 Review(s) Add a Review
  • I Buy Luxury

    Beware of I Buy Luxury

    1 5 0

    Posted On:

    “THis company has been operating on Ebay for at least 3 years and they are nothing but scammers. I purchased 2 rings that I was told were authentic David Yurman rings. Once I received the rings I knew they were not authentic. Although, the website guaranteed 100% satisfaction or your money back, I had to submit a letter from a jeweler in order to get a full refund. After conversations with other buyers, I found out that I Buy Luxury uses intimidation to keep from giving full refunds by telling customers that they will file suit if the customer causes any trouble. They no longer sell on Ebay. If you visit their website, it will tell you that they are re-organizing. BEWARE! If you find a website that advertises authentic David Yurman jewelry at price far below retail, don't buy. As they say, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!”

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